Monday, May 26, 2008

a life adundant and flowing

Dear Lord,

Thank you for all you've done.

For coming down from infinity to mere humanity.

For having Grace so free that washes away my sins.

Thank you Lord for providing me even in this wilderness,

friends to appreciate and enjoy my days with.

Thank you for letting me have this awesome life.

Lord, I know you've called me for a specific purpose in your kingdom.

That the theological and doctrinal overviews you've given me in the recent years have not been building up to nothing.

And yet I also know that you still require me to work on loving my neighbors and honoring my parents.

Dear Lord, I want to commit this my path less traveled into your hands again.

Its foggy and I don't see the road ahead, but help me see the path YOU want me to take instead of the one's I seek to forge.

Help me draw close to you and be satisfied with you as my portion.

Teach me to serve, and show me where you want me to be.

Remember that younger man? That stood, in that crowd, on the plain, on the hilltop raising his hand?

I'm still that man lord and I love you dearly.

And I'm raising that hand again.

Protect me from wounds both old and new, shield me from temptations.

Walk with me Lord, be my friend once more.

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