Saturday, December 29, 2007

My mates

its been 10 years since high school's end

14 since we started back at old MHS.

It was a simpler life then,

and everyday we'd get on the 7.18 Glen Waverley.

Over the years that train ride's been filled with card games of all sorts, (big 2 anyone?) and various heated debates.

So here now I give you my friends simply known affectionately as The Guys. (Kev Toh not present in pic)

Everything's the same, but different

I've used this term before, but never for something happy.

It was used when I returned to my hometown after my army days, when I felt left behind by life's continual march.

But today, today I get to use it on something great.

Today is when the unknowing and wittingly grown inches into tomorrow,

today, is when everything stays the same, but yet everything is different.


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Spread the joy and smile dammit

Its Christmas!

And I've had a chances to catch up with loads of my friends.

The writing bug has flared a few times this season but I think I'll let it slide.

I'm just glad to be home.

A few short notes:

+ Little one, thank you for keeping me in touch with the real world.

+ K, thanks for being around, its all still fun.

+ Marsman, take care bro, ride safe and hunt well.

+ DeFrance, I don't know why the rest don't see this, but ur're a cold, unfriendly know it all. I'd snap that silly grin off your face, but i've never seen you smile.

+ New career paths? Maybe I should consider it.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Good bye My Friend

As the car pulls into the driveway it is casually mentioned.

"Oh by the way, we put Benji up for adoption, he passed the test and has gone to live with some nice people now."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, we didn't want to worry you whilst you were settling down into the new job and city... With everyone out of the house now its hard to keep both dogs."

"I'm not happy about this"

"He wasn't your dog, it wasn't your decision to make"

No dammit but he was my friend.

He was my constant for the last 11 years.

He was the symbol of happiness in my darkness.

He was home to me in the jungle.

He was the silent companion that understood all.

He was... thats just it, he was...

Good bye my smelly friend.

There are so many things to be sorry about, and so many things to thank you for.

I hope there is a farm. I hope that you are happy.


Friday, December 21, 2007

Home sweet home

This time tomorrow I'll be home.

I can't wait...

The recent days have faded to mundane and even the occasional sloshes of grog have not been great at luring out the writer in me.

Perhaps after this Christmas recharge.

Monday, December 10, 2007

New life!

I got home from work late today and looked in the bird cage to find...

An egg!

thats right!

Looks like John and Jane have certainly been busy!

The Calvary Musters

50 cc scooters are pretty much the smallest things that can be road registered.

Underpowered and generally seen as road menaces that are dangerously slow, the only things that cop more flak on the roads are people on push bikes.

(that's a whole different can of worms there. The short version, you want to use the roads that cars use? Pay road tax / rego on that there push bike and we'll talk...)

So what happens when an army of bikes is gathered for a good cause?

Its like something out of a fantasy novel.

Where (in David Eddings stories anyway) the good guys, facing a terrible foe with an endless army, will put aside their differences for the common good.


I had seen armies muster before, a full gun battalion, a brigade of armor, even seen part of a division level infantry moblisation. But nothing like this.

thousands of them, in a multitude of shapes, sizes and colors, gathered in orderly disorder.

The Chrome covered Harley Davidsons, gleaming like knights. The grizzled dirt bikes, looking like ranger scouts. And the sports bikes with their flared fairings, reminding me of the fleet footed elves. And last but not least, scooters, fitting the description of a hobbit to a tee, small and harmless looking.

Far far ahead, a flag is raised. Then the wave begins to spread down the massive column as engines fired up and octane fills the air.

The ride of the Valkyries had began.


The crowds gathered on the footpaths in droves, cheering the column on as it passed.

Pillion riders flung sweet treats for the children in the crowd, and hands were stuck out to give high fives to the riders.

I had pulled over to make a quick call (sister flying off to NY see?) and gotten back into the ride when I realized that the column had been broken by a passing train.

The head of the pack was far down the road whilst everyone behind me was behind the train tracks.

I rev the engine and pulled into the middle of the empty lanes.

The crowd realizes that the road isn't empty anymore and see the lone scooter buzzing up the street.

A man spots the flapping santa's hat on the helmet and starts to cheer.

Suddenly they're all cheering, I stick my hand out and high five them as I pass.

Boy that felt great.


We had hit the highway portion of the ride and the column had well and truly broken up into a large string of individual riders.

then in the distance, I spot a growing bottle neck.

As I pass it I can make out the wreckage of the grey sports bike being slowly wenched onto a truck, it looks very broken... and I can't see any sign of the rider.

Nods of respect and sympathy by all before they all rev past.

I do hope the rider is ok

*its for the kids.*


I've had an epic adventure today.

Every year at this time, motorcycle riders gather together and raise money for the needy children of Adelaide.

Strapping an optic fiber santa's hat (Ho ho ho!) on my helmet and a red santa's sack full of toys on the scooter, I joined up for the action, and boy was it fun!

A few other bits of writing spilling out from this adventure that will probably give better imagery, so here we go...

Saturday, December 8, 2007

The tongue has the power of life and death

I don't understand why I give you so much power over me.

Why am I always the bad guy?

Why aren't I ever good enough?

And why can't you let me be?

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It takes two hands to clap.

Friendships are such a hard thing to maintain aren't they?

Especially with your borders spread so thin on so many fronts.

I'm not sure I can relate.

I've never had the kind of full schedule that you seem to have.

No, friendships certainly don't come cheap