Thursday, January 10, 2008

Duck and Cover

I was up briefly at 6am today!

It was a full on I'm awake and coherent and I wonder if I should go out and run kinda wake ups.

Of course when I went to open the door to the balcony (I was sleeping in the lounge what with the heat and all), it was already like an oven outside.

So i said bah, I'm going to catch another couple of hours of sleep.

and i returned to bed and snoozed.

in the following 2 hours, there was a kinda land war between my sleeping self and the rays of light that were blasting through the window (Which incidentally were as hot as laser beams).

When I finally woke up at about 5 to 8, I found that sleeping me had somehow burrowed behind a bunker made from pillow and blankets to shield my self from the super heated rays of light.

I stared incredulously and marveled at the resourcefulness of my sleeping self and then went on with my day.