Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Good Doctrine

It was at a seminar in a apologetics that I heard the phrase:
Good doctrine must exist, if for nothing else because bad doctrine exists and must be clarified

Or something to that effect.

I've struggled for years to work on my daily devotions, to read and meditate on the word and for that 2 way communication that I see others around me have.

Even now I wonder how to go about it, but in my recent times I've noticed that revelations come when I talk about my walk to others.

I came up with a crazy idea, instead of reading the daily breads and what nots that don't work for me.

Why don't I try writing them?

Hey, if nothing else, its a few more bits of writing from me.


Gideon's Dad ~

I love the story of Gideon's walk.

How a lowly, scared young man from the smallest tribe of a defeated country is called a mighty man of valour as he works in the field.

But lets not talk about Gideon tonight.

Lets look at Judges 6: 27 - 32.

In a nutshell, Gideon obey's the word of the lord and tears down the alter of Baal, incurring the wrath of the townsfolk.

Filled with rage the angry mob descends on Gideon's house, crying out for his blood.

Gideon's dad Joash stands before the blood thirsty crowd and defends his son's actions and thereby ensuring Israel's freedom.

Did we notice that the alter that was torn down belonged to Joash?

Here was a man who had turned from God, set up an idol's alter was probably fairly large (come on, it took 11 men to take the thing down AND the townsfolk noticed immediately that it was gone.

Joash must have been a fairly devoted Baal worshiper too, given the fact that his family was a poor one and the relative size and prominence of said alter.

So, Joash the devoted Baal worshiper is suddenly standing in front of a blood thirsty crowd defending his son?

I like to think that Joash discovered that the alter had been destroyed early, and went to have that long and angry talk with Gideon.

I like to think that on hearing about Gideon's encounter with the Lord he realized the folly of his ways and repented.

I like to picture Joash saying to Gideon, I have sinned against the lord and I will go and appease the townsfolk lest they kill you. I will offer my life to atone my sin so that you my son may be used to glorify God's work and restore our family.

I like to think that after the angry townsfolk leavethat Joash lives a life serving the God of Israel.

But my imagination aside, a devoted baal worshiper in rebellion with God turned into God's instrument overnight.

How awesome is God's grace indeed.

It reminds me of a lyric I heard.

You can do mighty miracles, all you need is my amen

So no matter how far you are from God right now, think of Joash and how his overnight transformation saved Israel, all with the redeeming power of God's Grace.

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