Monday, August 13, 2007

An offense preceived...

Well folks,

It feels like raging tempest in my head at the moment.

Trials of the home front, the tide at work and the recent events of i don't know whats coming from the friendship side are certainly not making things easy for me.

As has been practice of late, i jumped into the car to clear my head, something about jets of compressed air and fuel being exploded at extremely high rates just helps me vent.

It is taking all of my strength to fight off stray thoughts, of wars fought and lost, of cloak and dagger games played to the timeline of questions you don't really want answered.

God help me ride through this, for when I am weak, you are strong.

Deliver me from the darts of the wicked one and fill me with your peace.

I am trying hard not to lean on my own strength, that avatar built from ego and bravado, fueled with fury.

That Caravaggio has the finger poised over the button of excommunication, to be rid of all involved and just carry on with life without breaking stride.

Instead I shall right now surrender it all to the lamb, even as my mind fights to relinquish it.

God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things that should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.

That You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain.

Oh how I need those words more than ever.


Anonymous said...

A war on too many fronts is a war lost.

Someone once left me this, and now I pass it on.

"Dulcius ex asperis,
Ad augusta per agusta...
Dominus tecum."

Dominus tecum.

No button-pressing to be had, my friend. Not this time.

Caravaggio said...

Apologies, in future I shall await for the lady to finish before enticing her to laughter.

Well, perhaps I'll let her do the enticing instead next time.
