Friday, July 20, 2007

Conflicted Sovereignty

Once upon a time, i said "offense perceived is offense commited". Those words were a weapon then, something said in rage to pierce lies. Oh how those words have returned to me time and time again.

This post started and restarted and restarted again. I've come to the realization (an unwanted one i might add) that i lash out too hard.

Label any excuse as i may on it, past injuries, self defense, whatever.

I use nukes where rifles suffice.

Perhaps C land may need to reduce the defense budget a little...

A Carravagio without a temper?

God help us all


Anonymous said...

Dear KC,

Korea forgives you.

ps. XD

Caravaggio said...

Welcome Korea,

and thank you for your support.

Although, a worthy sidenote is that Korea is too, a nuclear power...

food for thought?

or simply thoughts of food?

mmm... foood

Anonymous said...

Mmmm... nuclear...